FVA is one of the largest Rwandan NGOs with a strong mandate of working together with communities in order to facilitate processes that assist in eradicating poverty, child protection, preventing violence, preventing and controlling diseases especially HIV/AIDS, environmental protection, promoting equality within the communities and developing capacity building programs aimed at transforming the society.
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Providing Strategic Support to the Government of Rwanda’s Efforts to Reduce Stunting at Decentralized Level (EKN Project) : FVA in partnership with World Vision with funding from UNICEF implemented the EKN project in Nyamasheke District from 2014-2016. The goal of the project was “to contribute to the reduction of stunting rates of children less than 5 years in Rwanda from 44% in 2010 to 28% by 2017”. The general objective of the project was to improve the nutrition status of children under the age of five and the target group were children, pregnant and lactating mothers (PLMs). The project reached 10,000 children under two years and 15,000 pregnant women and lactating mothers. The project strengthened and scaled up community-based, multi-sectoral, interventions to prevent and manage malnutrition in children under the age of five and in pregnant and lactating women. The project used different nutrition approaches like PD health session and kitchen gardens. Sensitization of Fish Farmers’ cooperatives was done to promote fishponds approach other than Lake fishing. Through the project, we mobilized and sensitized 300 community members on saving/lending approach and through this process, 68 VSL groups were strengthened through training and coaching. This enabled beneficiaries to be able to acquire nutritious food for their families. Two Fishponds were also installed in Bushekeri sector to promote nutrition. VSL communities around the fish ponds were encouraged to plant cabbages around the fishpond for sustainability purposes. We also supported four cooperatives with tools to establish tree nurseries and fishponds.