FVA is one of the largest Rwandan NGOs with a strong mandate of working together with communities in order to facilitate processes that assist in eradicating poverty, child protection, preventing violence, preventing and controlling diseases especially HIV/AIDS, environmental protection, promoting equality within the communities and developing capacity building programs aimed at transforming the society.

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FVA implemented “Reproductive, Maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH)/ and or family planning and adolescent sexual reproductive health (FP/ASRHR)” project in partnership with RBC by funds from Enabel in all 30 districts of the country. FVA was able to distribute more than 40000 booklets of SRHR to all health centres in the country, all youth centres in the country and to more than 500 schools. FVA carried community mobilization, awareness, sensitization, outreach and Behavior change communication interventions to ensure that ; Women access anti- natal care services ; Women access post-natal services ; Newborns access the integrated services including exclusive breast feeding, under five products and vaccinations ; Women/couples access modern contraceptives and thus increased utilization of modern contraceptives ; Youth access ASRH services at the Youth Corners ; Increased % of birth attended by skilled health professionals. FVA also trained community health workers, youth center directors and nurses on sexual reproduction health and rights.
FVA in partnership with Action Aid Rwanda by the support from European Union (EU) implemented “Empowering young people to prevent and fight SGBV in Rwanda” project in Karongi and Gasabo districts from February 2022 to February 2024. The project supported 1200 children aged between 10-18 years grouped into 40 SRHR school clubs and 600 youth aged between 18-25 years grouped into 20 SRHR out of school clubs. FVA also formed a youth network at sector and district levels that will be organizing advocacy sessions for SGBV issues affecting youth. This network will be working hand in hand with community-based organizations that were also trained to do advocacy for SGBV cases faced by the children.
FVA implemented the SPEAKOUT PROJECT also referred as “Addressing sexual and reproductive health, rights and gender based violence in Rwanda” funded by the UK Aid. The project was implemented in Karongi, Gisagara, Nyanza and Nyaruguru districts. The four year project targeted girls and young women who are survivors of violence aged between 5-14 and 15-24 as well as vulnerable and marginalized persons aged between 5-14 and 15-24 years. Through the project, 5600 girls and young women in the above stated districts were trained on SRHR, women’s rights, leadership, life skills and income generating activities, increasing their confidence and ability to become change agents. The created safe spaces offered support to women and girls networks and 266 girl mentors received phones and training to report on Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) and enable social media engagements. With local authorities and police one stop center, survivors of violence received psychosocial, logistical and referral support. Clubs, community activities and radio spots engaged with boys, men and community leaders to encourage critical thinking to shift social norms.
Furthermore, FVA implemented the “Amplify change project” also referred to as “Strengthening the effectiveness of women organizations advocacy to advance sexual reproduction health and rights and to fight against gender based violence project” funded by the Amplify change. This project was implemented in the districts of Musanze, Gisagara and Karongi. Through this project, FVA and ActionAid strengthened the capacity of 15 women rights organizations (WROs) in the stated districts to enhance their knowledge, skills and confidence to address SRHR and SGBV and supported a networked movement and campaign on SRHR and SGBV. The capacity building specifically focusses on institutional strengthening (internal governance processes, resources mobilization, financial planning and communication), advocacy and campaigning skills, equipping women organizations with knowledge on laws and policies around SRHR and SGBV, research and evidence gathering, disseminating evidence, power analysis, using specific tools such as social audits and scorecards, engagement skills at community level, engaging men, negotiations and building support networks and collective activism.